The outbreak of the novel coronavirus known as Covid-19 has unleashed a much-needed push to advanced technology adoption, as businesses and organizations all around the world look to adapt to the "new working normal".

In the aftermath of the pandemic, the growth of emerging technologies like AR, VR and MR is set to revolutionize multiple industries, benefiting them in unimaginable ways by being able to minimize close, day-to-day interactions with people.

With Microsoft Teams and Zoom becoming a norm among office workers, essential workers and physical specialists have grasps digital transformation to implement critical training practices to learners and solve obstacles in a multitude of industries through wearable tech such as the Microsoft HoloLens.

Such technology enables businesses and enterprises to allow for real-time collaboration between team members without having the need to physically be in the same space or time zone to collaborate on projects. Businesses that hinges around having expert knowledge on-site, especially those that fall under the AECO (Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operations) sector, can greatly benefit from the use of mixed reality and remote assist. Such technology allows an expert to instruct and guide another worker through the tasks, creating a much more productive support to rectify problems and resolve production issues remotely.

With social distancing measures in place, sectors that require gatherings in confined spaces for training and educational purposes encounter difficulties adapting to the global outbreak. With the use of virtual guides and immersive environments, it mitigates the disruption for trainings by providing learners a step-by-step guide on process/build/assembly flow for one to use at their owns convenience, be it whether that is in a factory situated in another country or a neighbouring city.

As the global pandemic continues on, it seems entirely credible to suggest that immersive technologies will continue to provide innovative solutions for areas such as training, manufacturing and operations by helping to provide a level of interaction and accessibility that simply isn't attainable with current state of the world.

With no certainty on how long the Covid-19 pandemic will last, companies have already begun to adopt MR solutions to help sustain business activities. Businesses that have a head start are already reaping the benefits of MR and making progress at a time when most companies are not moving.

Want to know how MR can help your business move forward during these trying times?

We offer a range of custom-made solutions and services to fit the needs of your company. With many use case examples working for the benefit of our clients, our team is happy to explore and share with you more on how we can help bring to life a fully polished solution to best serve your company's needs.

Reach out to us via email - [email protected] for more information!