As businesses scramble to digitalize in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, HelloHolo observes greater interest from organizations eager to harness the potential of immersive technologies for remote communication, operator training, and frontline support.
SINGAPORE -- Dec 7 to 11, 2020. HelloHolo, a Microsoft Mixed Reality Partner, virtually exhibited a medley of mixed reality applications, industry prototypes, and 3D brand experiences at the Singapore Fintech Festival and the Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology 2020 (SFF x SWITCH). Delivered in a unique hybrid format, the 24-hour round-the-clock event attracted 3.5 million views1 over the course of five days; successfully turning widespread pandemic disruption into a global opportunity, with an impressive lineup of 2,000 speakers, 1,300 exhibitors, 27 international pavilions, and 45 satellite events2.
HelloHolo's virtual booth showcased mixed reality solutions powered by HoloLens 2, the projects developed in-house for healthcare, automobile, and electronics training use cases. Overlaying digital content onto physical objects allows users to operate with real-world context while interacting with virtual cues. For complex tasks with complex models and hundred-page manuals3, a properly implemented holographic training guide is orders of magnitude more effective for learners.
With HoloLens 2 and mixed reality,
- 90% of touch labor saved, from 8 hours to 45 minutes, from hands-free operations; 0 errors on the shop floor over 2+ years due to clear holographic instruction overlay at Lockheed Martin4
- 50% higher retention test scores, and 40% less class time for anatomy students in the HoloLens Lab compared to traditional cadaver lab at Case Western Reserve University5
- 200+ surgical operations conducted including cerebrovascular bypass procedures at Medivis6
HelloHolo is one of the few technology companies in Southeast Asia that offer end-to-end services, from application layer design and development; to cloud and systems integration; and server and infrastructure management. Advancing the digital reality ecosystem, for HelloHolo, requires a tripartite approach — device acquisition and rental; application development services; and strong education programs, including partnerships with local polytechnic and universities, and IMDA CITREP+ endorsed Mixed Reality Developer Course.
Kee Cheng Heng, Managing Director of HelloHolo, says, “Usually, when clients approach us, they are unsure as to how immersive technologies can be effectively used to achieve business objectives. We believe that by sharing our knowledge, expertise, and industry case studies, clients will be equipped to make the best decision for their organization. This is how we have successfully engaged with more than a hundred clients across Asia-Pacific over the last 4 years.” This year, HelloHolo was officially recognized as a Microsoft Mixed Reality Partner.
Beyond 2-dimensional smartphone screens, the advent of 3D holographic and multi-sensory technologies pushes the frontier of what everyday users are familiar with experiencing today. However, skeptics remain wary of virtual headsets, an understandable consequence from many years of over-promise and under-delivery in the industry7.
And yet, enthusiasts have reason to believe that immersive technologies will soon reach mainstream adoption. Concurrent scientific advancements form the fundamental bedrock required to exceed expectations for wearable comfort and utility. Primarily, the development of lightweight and high-performance components (think, advances in display light engines and optical sensors, increase processing power, and higher Li-ion battery capacity); and 5G deployment for fixed wireless access, mobile broadband, and IoT segments (think, rapid speeds, increase bandwidth per unit area, and reduced latency to imperceptible levels). Active research & development brings a future with holographic wearables closer than ever.
Suppose that the closest relative to untethered headsets is the smartphone. If, for every immersive technology that failed to reach critical mass, was the absence of a group of winning factors; then innovation is the enduring quest to get the equation right — creating the best product that generates significant value for target customer segments at a given price tag, exceeds design and performance expectations, and is backed by a growing and accessible ecosystem of auxiliary products.
HelloHolo leverages Microsoft Azure’s comprehensive suite of security, cloud computing, and cognitive intelligence products. Mixed reality tools such as Spatial Anchoring creates and restores persistent digital anchors; while Remote Rendering renders high-polycount 3D models in accurate detail. Developers at HelloHolo benefit from direct access to Azure’s tools and frameworks that are quick to integrate into existing applications.
Major tech companies continue to invest in consumer-facing wearable technology. In 2020, Facebook released Oculus Quest 2, six years after investing $2 billion for VR firm, Oculus; Snapchat’s inaugural public AR festival, ‘Lens Fest’, follows the third edition of its Spectacles smart AR glasses; and rumours say that Apple may unveil its AR glasses as early as 2022. In the East, Beijing startup nReal recently released the world’s first 5G-based augmented reality glasses. Other players, to name a few, include Tilt Five, HTC, and Samsung.
As the year draws to a close, HelloHolo concludes an exciting year of conferences and corporate showcases with ETS, Asia VR, BeyondX, and Asia TV Forum & Market, and looks forward to further connecting with the community in 2021.
We welcome you to reach out to us at [email protected] for
• Device purchase and rental: Orders for Microsoft HoloLens 2 headset packages with Software and Training
• Education and training: IMDA CITREP+ supported Mixed Reality Developer Course
• Software and bespoke solutions: Application development for Industry 4.0 or Brand experiences
• Corporate events and tech showcases